A study on Efficient Modelling in Higher Education Academic Workforce Using Simulation
This paper shows how the Operations Research (OR) tools (in modelling and simulation) can be modified, applied in planning and their understanding of any long-term impacts due to sudden policy changes. The proposed approach is particularly useful to investigate the movements of the university academics and their impacts on changes in research, research funding, teaching and services as they are the integral parts of the career at any level. We argue that the Discrete Event Simulation (DES) approach can be used to model such dynamics in Higher Education Academic Workforce Model (HEAWM) and show that it can provide a comprehensive projection of future requirements within the context of career progression. Consequently, this HEAWM allows universities to interrogate factors influencing the academic workforce planning as this process often requires the new attributes to be tracked in the model which is difficult with other OR models. It is shown that this approach is easy to apply via DES and creation of the corresponding HEAWM provides better understanding of the factors that will influence the future workforce than the existing results.
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